Space Pollution

Regular price £10.00

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50% of all profits will be donated to charity to tackle each individual issue addressed.

We would like to thank everyone who bought one or more prints during last years Art Car Boot Fair in September and December and 2018.

We generated £1,000.00 of donation money within 2 afternoons by selling these prints to the public.

Please help us help this planet and the survival of all living species - including us humans - who sadly are mainly responsible for all the catastrophes we are facing on earth.

We can all make changes if we consider our own actions and habits and develop more empathy for every living creature on this beautiful planet.

Think twice about what you buy, use, trash, how you commute and the list goes on. Almost all of us grew up with the comforts of this modern life, but we never thought and faced the consequences which are now revealing day by day. Take the bike or walk if you can and leave the car behind - try and reduce buying polyester and acrylic fashion as their fibres are already in our food chain and your own most likely have ended up in your own or neighbours stomach. We all can't be perfect, but we can all try and become as perfect as one can within our lifetimes!

Our papers are from sustainable kept forests in the EU to cut down the carbon footprint and be as sustainable as we can within our own product range, trying to have the least impact on our eco system and world.

Some informative articles to read:

* Wikipedia

* Green Med Info